Eng.Hossen Iddi Kayumba
Head of Energy Section
The following are the functions of the division:
Research and Innovation
a) Undertake research and development for developing energy technologies and for enhancing utilization of alternative energy sources;
- Coal Characterization for existing coal mines. new coal fields and coal database development.
- Development of coal utilization technologies such as coal briquettes for household and industrial use.
- Developing industrial technologies for the production of biofuels and bio-based chemicals
- Improved cook stoves for rural and peri-urban applications.
b) Undertake innovations in energy generation technologies for utilizing locally available energy resources;
- Transforming biomass, especially agro-wastes, forest wastes and animal dung into bio fuels
- Production of bioethanol and biogas from Organic wastes
Technical Services
a) Undertake energy resource quality assessment and establish a databank of Tanzania energy resources;
- Quality assessment of clean and alternative energy sources such as Biomass briquettes, coal briquettes, etc.
- Performance testing of different energy systems and technologies such as Ovens, furnaces, Solar PV, boilers and cooking stoves, etc. using national and international protocols and standards.
- Renewable energy technologies development such as Solar PV, Wind, Biogas, etc.
b) Perform energy services in assisting industries and organization to proactive and systematic monitoring, control, and optimization of an organization’s energy consumption to conserve energy and reduce organization/company energy costs;
- Assisting industries and businesses to implement Energy Management practices (adoption of Energy Management System (EnMS) to companies in accordance with ISO 50001)
- Carrying out energy audit to identify cost effective energy consumption reduction options to industries and businesses including supporting through measurement and verification while implementing audits recommendations.
c) Carrying out energy audit to identify cost effective energy consumption reduction options to industries and businesses including supporting through measurement and verification while implementing audits recommendations.
- The use of solar driers for rural community applications
- Improved cook stoves to replace traditional stoves in rural communities
d) Project Management of different energy projects
- From pre-feasibility studies to commissioning of sustainable energy projects.
Training and Skills development
a) Performs skills development and capacity building to industrialists in energy materials selection,
b) Capacity building in quality assessment of different energy system and technologies;
c) Training and awareness program to SMEs and industrialists in production of clean energy technologies.
d) Capacity building and knowledge management through training and awareness raising on energy management practices i.e., Energy Auditing, Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy