Ms. Martha Mhongole
Head of Technology Transfer and Pilot Plants Section
The Technology Transfer and Pilot Plant Unit at TIRDO plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between research and practical application.
The Unit aims to ensure that TIRDO-developed innovations, knowledge, and technologies are made available and shared with potential users,
particularly industries so that they can be used to address issues limiting industrial productivity.
The functions of the Technology Transfer and Pilot Plant Unit are as follows;
1. Manage, and monitor all the technologies, innovations, and inventions developed at TIRDO.
2. Assess the commercial potential of inventions, technologies, and research findings developed at TIRDO.
3. Identify potential markets, industries, and applications for developed technology, and inventions.
4. Intellectual Property Management: Identify and protect intellectual property (IP) generated from research activities, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks.
5. Research and Development: Conduct market research to determine the feasibility and potential demand for new technologies.
6. Start-up Incubation: Assist in the formation of start-up companies by providing guidance, mentorship, and resources to researchers looking to spin off their innovations into new ventures.
7. Industry Collaboration: Foster collaboration between researchers and industry partners.
8. Intellectual Property Education: Coordinate for education and training of researchers on topics related to intellectual property, technology transfer, and commercialization processes.
9. Networking and Outreach: Establish relationships with potential partners, investors, and industry stakeholders to promote collaboration and increase the visibility of the institution's innovations.