TIRDO Products
Industrial Mapping
2023-09-05 14:12:52

In 2013, the Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), in collaboration with the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade (MIIT), Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), conducted the fourth Census of Industrial Production (CIP, 2013) in Tanzania mainland. The CIP was an essential tool for industrial policy planning since it captured information on the distribution of industrial establishments classification, majoring the main four industrial sub sector: manufacturing; mining and quarrying; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; and water collection, treatment and supply with their respective activities. It also provided a baseline for monitoring and evaluating policy effectiveness in the short, medium- and long-term perspectives. However, CIP, 2013 did not contain some important information for making relevant decision making on investments and resources utilization for industrial competitiveness and sustainability. Such information includes geographical locations of industries (geospatial data), accessibility to physical, communication and utilities infrastructures, availability of raw materials, skills gap information, warehouses, as well as a highlight of challenges facing the industrial sector and its linkage to markets. In addressing this gap, a comprehensive National Industrial Mapping Survey (NIMS) was initiated by the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade (MIIT) in collaboration with Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organization (TIRDO) and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). With NIMS information pertaining to the arrangement, availability and relationships among the industrial inputs (raw materials), support infrastructure, support institutions, markets, related logistics, as well as appropriate human resource in the entire production value chain are captured. Previously, MIIT through TIRDO conducted two pilot Industrial Mapping Surveys in Manyara Region and Kigamboni District. The experience obtained from those two pilot surveys enabled MIIT through TIRDO to conduct a comprehensive survey in Pwani, Morogoro and Dar es Salaam Regions. Objectives. Main objective of the Project. The major objective of Industrial Mapping is to develop strategic industrial information that will guide key decisions on investments and appropriate industrial resource utilization by policymakers and other industrial sector stakeholders. Specific objectives. 1. To establish by location of existing industries, designated industrial areas, and potential industrial raw materials including agricultural produce, strategic industrial minerals, rare earth metals and other natural resources. 2. To identify type of industrial activities performed and industrial products produced in Tanzania; 3. To identify the factors affecting the establishment, sustainability and performance of industries; 4. To identify basic skills and capacity strengthening requirements for industries; 5. To develop the National Interactive Industrial Information, Geographical Data Mapping and Management System; 6. To recommend the best policy interventions for establishment of sustainable industries in Tanzania.